New CIRIA Guidance on the Sustainable Reuse of Surplus Soils

The new CIRIA guidance brings together an easy to use guide for the reuse of surplus soils to reduce costs and ensure compliance with the prevailing waste regulations.

Provectus Director, Jon Owens was part of the project steering group to provide specialist advice on the management of surplus soils. This industry expertise, alongside other specialist companies in the brownfield sector ensured that the content of the guidance is highly relevant for use within the industry.

In a fragmented marketplace where non-compliance over the disposal and reuse of soils is unfortunately common, this new guide brings together all the prevailing codes of practice and regulatory guidance to allow the cost effective and compliant management of surplus soils.

As the leading treatment specialist for the treatment of contaminated soils, Provectus provide a compliant and landfill tax free option for surplus soils from construction sites. This allows for the recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous soils for beneficial reuse to avoid the use of landfill void.

The new guide is available from the CIRIA bookshop using the following link