Thanks To Our Customers and Team For Another Record Year

In 2021, Provectus treated more contaminated soil than ever before. A truly astonishing achievement....

It is fair to say that 2021 was not expected to be such a successful year. The year started with the country in lockdown, a prolonged spell of cold and wet weather until the end of May, and increasing uncertainty about supply chains being able to support growth in the construction industry. Despite this, our soil treatment facilities had their best year in our history.

By offering a 24 hour turnaround on enquiries, a cheap recovery option for contaminated soil disposal, and quick turnaround for soil inputs on site, we saw a 62% increase in hazardous soil inputs over 2020 figures. And the year isn't even finished yet.

Hydrocarbon contaminated soil remediation

Our bespoke biopile treatment system was implemented on a new soil treatment facility near Leeds. This new capacity adds to the existing hydrocarbon treatment sites in the Midlands and North West.

We now have the capacity to treat 85,000 tonnes of hydrocarbon contaminated soil at any one time and are permitted for 210,000 tonnes of soils annually. In our strategic alliance with FCC Environment, we are the fastest growing hazardous soil treatment service in the UK.

Biotreatment of Contaminated Soil
Water vapour generated during the mineralisation of hydrocarbons in contaminated soil

All of the treated soil from the biopile is screened to recover oversize that is reused in the soil treatment process after further processing. The treated soil is then reused in permitted areas adjacent to the soil treatment facility.

Asbestos in Soils

We have seen a substantial increase in the volume of asbestos contaminated soil treated by Provectus in 2021. This resulted in us changing our permit at our Midlands site to allow an additional 10,000 tonnes of storage capacity at any one time, and an additional 30,000 tonnes of annual hazardous treatment capacity.

We continue to accept asbestos contaminated soils without interruption. This provides reassurance that you can send soils to us when you want to.

You can rely on us to be open because we have 150,000 tonnes per annum permitted capacity. This includes an engineered storage capacity of 40,000 tonnes of hazardous soils at any one time.

Carbon Footprint

The ongoing expansion in the number of our soil treatment facilities continues to reduce the distance between our customers sites and a nearby Provectus and FCC soil treatment site.

This distance will continue to reduce in 2022 as we open up more soil treatment sites that are currently in the process of gaining approval to commence.

We have already reduced our carbon emissions on site this year by moving to HVO fuel for all of our plant. We have also converted a number of items of soil treatment equipment to electric only operation. Over the next 12 months we have an approved capital plan to transfer to electric only, hybrid/duel fuel plant as appropriate.

Our strategic alliance with FCC also allows us to reuse treated soils adjacent to the soil treatment facility. This avoids the unnecessary additional carbon emissions generated by soil treatment facilities that rely on distant soil disposal sites as an outlet for their treated soils.

Even though we have a quick turnaround on site, we believe that this can always be improved. Our partner FCC is investing in additional weighbridge capacity on some of our sites to reduce short turnaround times even further.

How can you save money dealing with surplus soil?

If you want to see how much you can save with Provectus then just click the button below. We currently save our existing customers over £1 million pounds per month in landfill tax alone!